Agile Poker Cards

Ready to estimate? Choose your story points!

Clarity on effort is unknown
Extent of interaction unclear
Scope and scale are undetermined
Almost Trivial
Everything is clear
Isolated with no dependencies
Single simple action
Relies on existing skills
No impact on other areas
Just one action or interaction
Minimal new learning could help
Limited effect on other parts
A few straightforward actions
Some learning may be beneficial
Involves team or module interaction
Several related actions or steps
New knowledge needed
Touches several areas
Multiple actions, meetings, reviews
Needs extensive new skills
Impacts multiple functionalities
Many actions, extensive coordination
Demands expert knowledge
Influences multiple major areas
Numerous varied activities, collaborations
Needs immense learning and consultation
Drives critical project milestones
Continuous complex tasks and interactions

Agile Poker Online: Story Point Estimation Tool for Clearer Agile Planning

Simplify Your Estimation Process

Agile Poker Online is a free story point estimation tool created to bring clarity to your team’s discussions. The goal is to shift focus away from debating story points and onto the task at hand.

Each card in the deck comes with 3 helpful hints that explain what the number means. With these clear definitions, everyone stays on the same page, which helps productive discussions and better decisions.

It works seamlessly as a digital version of the cards, allowing you to use your smartphone to make estimations during your team’s planning sessions.

Key Features

1. Fewer Cards for Better Focus

I noticed that most teams tend to use only a small subset of values during Agile estimation sessions. With that in mind, I developed a deck that prioritizes the most commonly used estimates, reducing unnecessary options and making the process more efficient.

Nine cards available in the deck:

By limiting the number of cards, the deck cuts down on unnecessary debate, helping teams stay focused on the work itself rather than the meaning of each number.

2. Opinionated Hints for Clearer Estimation

Each card comes with three clear hints that define what the number represents. This feature ensures that everyone on the team is on the same page, eliminating confusion and the typical debate over what each story point means. The hints make the tool opinionated, providing firm guidance and keeping the discussion productive.

With Agile Poker Online, you don’t have to argue about what the numbers on the cards mean. Each card has hints that help your team focus on the task itself. This makes it easier to agree on estimates and keeps the conversation about the work, not the numbers.

3. Free and Accessible for Everyone

Both the Agile Poker Online app and the physical card deck are completely free. Use the online app or download and print the cards for planning meetings. It’s an ideal solution for teams at any stage of Agile maturity.

How It Works

The online estimation tool is straightforward and easy to use:

  1. Select the card that reflects your estimate.
  2. Wait for your teammates to do the same.
  3. Once everyone has selected, reveal your card to the group.

This streamlined process keeps the estimation session efficient and focused, whether you’re working remotely or in person.

Why This Approach Works

The fewer cards and predefined hints help teams focus on the task itself rather than debating the meaning of story points. This shifts the conversation towards understanding the task’s complexity, reducing confusion and increasing alignment among team members.

How to Estimate with Agile Poker

1. Understand the Task

Begin your planning session by reading the user story and clarifying it with the team. This step ensures everyone is aligned on the requirements before moving forward with story point estimation.

2. Pick a Card

Use Agile Poker to decide on your estimate. Select the card that best represents your evaluation of the task’s complexity and effort.

3. Reveal

During the Agile Poker round, the entire team reveals their chosen cards simultaneously, providing an honest and unbiased view of the story point estimation.

4. Discuss Differences

After the reveal, discuss any differences in the estimates. This is an opportunity to uncover unknowns, clarify the work, and ensure everyone has a shared understanding of the task.

5. Agree or Repeat

Finally, agree on a story point value as a team or repeat the estimation process if necessary. Continue until you reach a consensus that aligns with your planning goals.

Get Started with Agile Poker Online

Use the free Agile Poker Online tool today or download the free printable Agile Poker cards to streamline your estimation sessions. This story point estimation tool ensures clearer, faster, and more effective Agile planning.